
Langham Senior Citizens Home

The Langham Senior Citizen’s Home, Langham Care,  is dedicated to providing supportive and restorative care – physically, emotionally, intellectually & spiritually;
in a climate of respect and dignity, nurturing our clients sense of home and personal identity.

Langham Care has been a community orientated facility providing care in a residential setting for those with special needs since 1971.
There are 28 Residents in our home, 17 who are designated as Long Term Care and 11 who are in Transitional Living Care.

We offer:

  • single and double rooms
  • home cooked meals eaten together in the dining room
  • 24-hour staff
  • weekly house Doctor visits
  • scheduled social activities
  • community involvement in church services, entertainment, birthday parties, fun band and school groups; and
  • low resident to staff ratios enhancing a home, family atmosphere.

Located at 140 Main St. residents love to watch community activities.
Residents enjoy an enclosed backyard – a quiet retreat for residents and families; we encourage independence and family involvement.
Langham Care Home: 306 -283-4210 

Langham Housing Authority

Saskatchewan Housing Corporation (SHC) offers affordable housing for seniors, families and individuals with low to moderate incomes, and people in greatest need of housing are SHC’s priority.
Rent is based on a tenant’s household income or is fixed at an affordable rate. 
Application for Housing Packable – Fillable Form 

If you have any questions or would like more information, contact 
Langham Housing Authority
Karen Bortnak, Manager
Phone: 306-227-6556
Box 459
Langham SK S0K 2L0

Langham Rental Property’s

Private Housing, Duplex’s, Condo’s and Langham Apartment Complex.
For questions or information on rental property’s in the Town of Langham, contact 
The Town Office: 306-283- 4842