Loraas 2024/2025 Collection Schedule



Did you know?

Loraas Disposal has GPS and cameras on their trucks!
They can check what time your garbage/recycling/organic bins are picked up.
Be aware that the trucks may arrive shortly before 7:00am, so please have your bins placed on the road side with 4 ft clearance on each side by this time to ensure they are collected.
If you have a broken bin, please call the Town Office at 306-283-4842 to make arrangements for a replacement.

Garbage Pick Up (Black Cart)

Carts need to be placed roadside by 7:00 AM on collection day!
Loraas garbage pickup is now biweekly – every other Wednesday. 

Loraas will not pick up bins that are over-filled or lids that cannot close.

Loraas Disposal is contracted by the Town of Langham to pick up your everyday household and local business waste.
The black cart provided to all residents was chosen for its durability and its ease of use.
It holds three times as much as a normal trash can.
The cart’s large wheels, makes it easy to maneuver, and it completely eliminates the lifting of heavy cans.
Help us keep our streets clean by keeping the bins filled to a reasonable level.
No room? Discover our other options below for recycling your everyday waste items as they may have a home other than in your black bin.

Recycling Pick Up (Blue Cart)

Carts need to be placed roadside by 7:00 am on collection day!

Every other Wednesday is Recycle Day.
Residents can always view the community calendar to view pick up dates. (Link provided above)

The Town of Langham strongly supports the protection of our environment and the promotion of sustainable waste reduction programming.
Loraas Disposal has been contracted by the Town of Langham to offer curbside recycling for all residents.
We encourage residents to support the program by learning about all the opportunities to reduce the impact on our landfills.
Loraas’ convenient “One Cart – No Sort” residential curbside recycling service is available to residents of Langham.
All approved recyclables can now be place together in the 95 gallon Blue Recycle Cart.

Can’t remember what is recyclable these days?
For more information on the types of materials that can be recycled, please stop by the Town Office
to obtain the brochure or you may visit https://www.saskatoonrecycles.ca/how-to-recycle.htm.

Organic Pick Up (Green Cart) 

The Town of Langham proudly supports the organic program.

Carts need to be placed roadside by 7:00 am on collection day.
Check the Organic Schedule for your Organic pick up day. (Link Provided above)