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Fowl Supper

October 26 @ 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Fowl suppers in Langham date back to the 40’s and 50’s. But at that time, there were several individual churches that held their own. The Legion Hall (where the 8 plex is now) was the in town location for many years. It steadily grew in attendance and for at least one year the Fowl supper was held in both the Legion Hall and the Skating Rink Lobby. When the Langham Community Hall was built, the Hall Board held the Fowl Suppers as a fund raiser for the hall. When the Hall Board was dissolved, the Recreation Department and several churches in Langham and area took over the planning. Currently the Fowl Supper is held the last Sunday of October (subject to change) It boasts one of the best meals held in the area, people attend from Warman, Martensville, Saskatoon, Dalmeny, Borden and Radisson. The menu is always Turkey and all the fixings including pie for dessert. All of which is donated by the generous people of Langham. Donations are accepted from Corporate and private citizens to pay for the Turkeys, but local families donate the time and energy to cook those delicious birds! Recently added is a “takeout” feature where people who are not able to stay, may take their meal home with them in a takeout container provided by the Fowl Supper Committee. The Fowl Supper is a great opportunity to sit and visit with your neighbors and friends of Langham and surrounding area!

For more information or to volunteer please call the Town Office at (306) 283-4842.


October 26
4:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Affinity Community Hall