Fire & Emergency Services

All Emergency Services
Dial 911 – 24/Hours

Police protection for the town is provided by the RCMP through
their Warman detachment (306) 975-1670

Emergency medical services are available from Saskatoon. 

Ambulance Service is dispatched by MD Ambulance who also handles all 911 calls.

MD Ambulance non-emergency number is (306) 975-8808.

Report a Controlled Burn | Grass Fire anywhere in the province.
Phone 1-866-404-4911
This number is monitored 24/7, every day of the year. 
View website click on link Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency 

                           Langham Fire Department 

               The Langham Fire Department is recruiting!                          
                      This is a paid on call position.
                                   Click here to view LFD Facebook Page           

Are you interested in giving back to your community?  Helping people when they need it most? Being part of a very important community team? 
Langham Fire Department is a paid on call department, that responds to emergency situations within the Town of Langham, and the surrounding community.
We respond to Fire, and Medical emergencies, that include Wildland and Structural Fires, Motor Vehicle collisions, Ice and Water Rescue, Confined space situations, Grain entrapment situations, and the various other problems that people can get themselves into..
If you are over 18, physically fit, can provide a drivers abstract, criminal background check with vulnerable person search and are willing to learn some new skills we would like you to consider joining a group that is passionate about the safety of their community.
If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact: 
Fire Chief: Bill McCombs (306) 380-7289
                                                                                                                                    Photo Credit: Julie Schappert  | Stones + Glass Designs 



The Langham Fire Department (LFD) operates out of the Town of Langham from their station located along Railway Avenue. LFD consists of 10 volunteer members from the community. Our members are Level II firefighters, EMT’s and First Responders, many of which are cross-trained.

Two of our members are also members of Saskatoon District Search and Evidence Recovery Team that works under the RCMP. As well, some members are part of the North Corman Park Search and Rescue Team.

The Langham Fire Department responds to fires, motor vehicle accidents, medical and wild land fire calls. LFD is dispatched under the provincial 911 system by Prince Albert Dispatch. We serve a community of 1500 and surrounding area of two hundred and thirty square miles, as well as participate in mutual aid agreement with five other fire departments within Rural Municipality of Corman Park.

The Langham Fire Department is equipped with 7 emergency service vehicles. A Town Fire Truck, R.M. Fire Engine, RM Tanker, wild land firefighting truck, rescue unit and a member modified medical unit to round out the rest of the fleet. We are one of two fire departments between Langham and North Battleford that is equipped with the Jaws of Life and we respond as far west as Maymont to help with motor vehicle accidents.

Training is ongoing for the Langham Fire Department whether it is fire, rescue, auto extrication or medical.
Monday evening is training night for the department with the first Monday of the month being our monthly meeting night.

The Town of Langham is a heart safe community as they have equipped the Langham Fire Department with two automated external defibrillators (AED). An AED delivers an electrical shock to a heart that has stopped beating and allows the heart to “reset” to a normal rhythm. It is the link most likely to improve survival in adults who suffer sudden cardiac arrest. The length of time from a cardiac arrest to defibrillation is a major factor in the success of the resuscitation attempt. LFD can first respond to these emergencies while waiting for an ambulance to arrive from Saskatoon significantly increasing the chance of survival.

Feel free to stop by anytime a member is at the Fire Hall or on Monday training nights.
109 Railway Street – Google Maps 






EMO Coordinator 

Sheila McCombs:  306-283-4496

Sheila and her husband Bill (Langham’s Fire Chief) moved to Langham in 1989. They own and operate Trans-Care Rescue Ltd, a local Fire, Rescue and Industrial Safety Equipment Sales and Training company.

Sheila joined the Langham Fire Department in 1991. In 1993 she was promoted to Captain and Training Officer.  With previous experience as an Emergency Medical Technician Instructor with SIAST, she became responsible for the recertification of the First Responders on the Department.
Sheila is a Fire Fighter Level 1 & 2, Fire Investigator, Fire Service Instructor Evaluator Officer 1, Hazardous Materials Technician Level III. She was a member of the Sask. District Search and Recovery Team.

As an emergency response trainer for a large chemical manufacturer, she has participated with the coordination and delivery of different disaster scenarios such as a chorine release over the city of Saskatoon.

Sheila is honored to fill the position of the EMO Coordinator for the Town of Langham and looks forward to serving the community.