The Town of Langham would like to congratulate councilor Carol Epp
on her Service Award from the Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association.
We are very grateful for your dedication to our community!
We are very grateful for your dedication to our community!
Carol was first elected to Town Council in 1988, breaking into the ‘old boys club’.
She was the first female Alderman, as they were referred to then, for the Town.
Carol served, with a brief interruption, until 2006 when health issues forced her step back.
Carol returned to Council in a by-election in 2018.
All told, Carol is in her 25th year of service to the Town of Langham.
Over this time her contributions to the town have been consistent,
diverse and incredibly detailed. She personifies what a councilor
should be-devoted to the town and all of its residents.
diverse and incredibly detailed. She personifies what a councilor
should be-devoted to the town and all of its residents.